Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Spawn of Hell

Another entry to my previously mentioned exercise. This time I wanted to commemorate Todd McFarlane's contribution to the comic world and so, I give you my three favorite Hellspawn. From the left to the right, The Godslayer (Marauder), Al Simmons, and Gunslinger Spawn.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Green V.S. Red

The second entry of my latest portfolio building exercise. This one showcases my favorite Ranger (The Original Green) about to take the Red Ranger to SCHOOL!

Megazord Mechanicals Property of Bandai.


I decided to work on a few one shots just to stoke my creative fires. My plan is to make sure that every image I create is finished within 2 days. From scratch to finished.

Here's my three favorite X-Force characters. 

(Archangel, Psylocke, and X-23)