Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Na'klek Heavy Armoured - Revisited

Here's the slightly redefined version of the Na'klek Heavy Armoured helmet. I refined it a bit in Photoshop. Hope you find it slightly more discernible ^_^

Mobsters VS Zombies Contest Entry - CGhub.com

I recently submitted this piece to CGhub's Mobsters V.S. Zombies competition. You could choose any Mobster and time era you wanted so I opted for a modern day Yakuza. (cuz they're BAD-ASS)

The artwork was rendered completely digitally and is in typical "inked" comicbook format following in the footsteps of comic book illustrator Jae Lee. I want to apply the colors but ran out of time since I only learned of this competition 3 days before it's deadline :-/

Comments and critiques are always welcome and remember, it's not always what you see; it's what you don't see

New-Age Female Hoplite

Second Round Concepts for a currently unspecified character. Supposed to be hoplite inspired armour mixed with modern fabrics such as nylon, spandex, rayon, and space grade Titanium. Maybe even a bit of Adamantium...

Comments always welcome ^_^

Monday, September 13, 2010

Na'klek Helmet Styles - Sketches

I felt like uploading today's sketch exercises. Today I wanted to create helmet styles for the dual-eyed warrior class from Na'klek.

Feel free to comment :-D