Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Grim Short

Hey gang. This time around, I'm posting my "Grim" short. Sorry they aren't as high res as normal, but to be able to link the work to publisher forums, they have to be WAY lower quality :-/ But never fear, you can check all of these pages in high res HERE at my Deviant Art page!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Star Wars Thief

The second in my group of Star Wars concepts, this one comes in the form of my friend Siobhan.
As a member of the Twi'lek race, she instantly calls upon her allure to get her out of tough situations ;-D

Monday, June 27, 2011

Star Wars Rogue

I've had the idea for quite a time to create my friends as Star Wars characters for quite some time, so here's the first one.
No group is a "real" group without a Rogue who's shoes easily get filled by my buddy Mike ^_^

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Short Story Pages

Hey Gang. Today I bring you a a nearly finished short story I recently drafted as a portfolio piece for the Philadelphia Comic Con. The finalized version will be sold as an e-comic through a nearby retailer so stay tuned!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Small Personal Comic Tease

Here's the first 3 pages of my finished comic from a little while ago :-D

Thursday, April 28, 2011

The BEST Ninjas!

Ninjas come in many forms. I honestly believe that. You can always tell who they are because they're the most BAD-ASS character on screen/page/level, etc.
I don't know if this is done, but here are my favorite three!
Darth Maul - Rinzler - Snake Eyes

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sucker Punched

Well I had a bit of a dud weekend. And having recently returned from hiatus in Puerto Rico, I've been itching to get back to what I love. Since Sucker Punch is still freshly banging around in my head (especially Babydoll), Voilu!

♫ Where is my miiiiiind ♫

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Spawn of Hell

Another entry to my previously mentioned exercise. This time I wanted to commemorate Todd McFarlane's contribution to the comic world and so, I give you my three favorite Hellspawn. From the left to the right, The Godslayer (Marauder), Al Simmons, and Gunslinger Spawn.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Green V.S. Red

The second entry of my latest portfolio building exercise. This one showcases my favorite Ranger (The Original Green) about to take the Red Ranger to SCHOOL!

Megazord Mechanicals Property of Bandai.


I decided to work on a few one shots just to stoke my creative fires. My plan is to make sure that every image I create is finished within 2 days. From scratch to finished.

Here's my three favorite X-Force characters. 

(Archangel, Psylocke, and X-23)